Este neserioasă sau își bate joc de mine? De vreo luna mă tot framantă frustrări legate de o clientă nouă de coaching. A amânat întalnirea de vreo trei ori. De fiecare dată îmi spunea că vrea să vorbim neapărat, să îi dau altă întâlnire, eu îi dădeam iar la momentul agreat – nici urmă de...

Is not about unrealistic optimism but see the reality with hope, open mind  for future-  realistic optimism Phases of science: helplessness and efficacy Optimism When animals and people have inescapable shock, they become passive; blocked; could be diagnosed with depression The main discovery in last 20 years: we thought people learned helplessness during life due...

The main discovery in last 20 years: we thought people learned helplessness during life due to disasters and bad circumstances; instead, we inherited the reptilian brain (both humans and animals are prone, are design to see the disaster as insurmountable. Helplessness is actually a default state of animals; animals waiting for the predator; human learn control while frontal brain was developed.

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Copyright by Oana Nastase Bleckenwegner. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Oana Nastase Bleckenwegner. All rights reserved.