"Even before I met Oana, I went through a massive transformation, I lost 35 kg, but I still felt stuck in work relationships, tensions with clients, general contractors, delays or refusals to pay bills. Even though our projects were well done, they rejected them for no logical reason, I felt ignored, like I was invisible in project management meetings.
After I started collaborating with Oana, it was as if the surrounding fog went away. I started to see clearly what I was doing wrong, to prepare differently for public presentations, to set my goals more clearly, to be aware of my strengths, to highlight them, to make my voice heard, to practice nonverbal, paraverbal language, to raise my self-esteem and self-confidence, to distance myself from the toxic people in my life, to no longer evaluate myself according to their criticisms but according to my inner truth. Oana helped me to map clients, to set my priorities according to their importance in the company's economy and not according to personal relationships, to promote myself, to have the courage to support my point of view, to have the courage to say NO when necessary, to be able to ask for budget increases when they are justified, to go directly to the general contractors and no longer sit in the shadow of the project manager who kept us at a distance for fear of overshadowing him.
Thus, I achieved extraordinary and unexpected results: my presentations were appreciated, requests for budget increases were accepted, I completed the project successfully, I received congratulations. At the following tenders, we were invited to be direct partners instead of being handled through intermediaries, payments were made, we established strategic partnerships with the largest companies in the industry who now respect us and invite us to join them in large-scale projects."
Cristina Gabrea, architect, managing partner
"Working with Oana helped me understand the process I'm going through, guided me to get out of the rut; it removed my feeling of loneliness; on an emotional level I felt encouraged and supported to go through difficult stages."
Andreea Paulian, general manager, retail network
I started working with Oana about 2 years ago.
Before working with her, I had certain situations at work where I didn't know how to position myself in the relationship with my superiors. For example, in situations where I did not agree with some management decisions I did not know if and exactly how to address them.
From the first meeting with Oana, through the questions she asked me, she guided and helped me clearly formulate my ideas, my position and made me realize for myself which are the most appropriate arguments that deserve to be addressed, or in certain cases, I realized why some decisions were perfectly justified. It also helped me understand how my personal values are aligned with those of the company where I worked.
Before working with her, it was difficult for me to be objective when it came to conflict situations in my family. My reactions were purely emotional and I felt guilty no matter whose side I was on. For days I thought and turned the problem on all sides, without seeing a possible solution. I had 2 dilemmas: how to position myself towards the two parties and how I could help them, as a mediator.
After discussing a few sessions with Oana on this topic, it was as if a veil was lifted from my eyes. Oana not only asked me the right questions, but what impressed me most was that she understood the situation so well, as if she had known those respective people for a lifetime. After the sessions with her, I gained a lot of clarity in what I was going to do and say, and at the same time I learned how to position myself in those conflicting situations. Besides, since then I don't even feel guilty anymore, I've realized that it's their choices and that no matter how much we want to do good for our loved ones, in the end it's about their lives and their personal choices. We can only be by their side, regardless of the path they decide to follow.
I recommend Oana as a wonderful person, a coach with the grace to connect directly to people's souls and who harbors a genuine passion for helping others."
Elena Popa, recruitment director
"As a coach, Oana has had a profound effect in my life. She is a skilled coach with an exceptional focus that she uses to great advantage. She has an uncanny knack for asking that exact right question that leads to deeper exploration and more complete understanding. She is supportive and persistent in her commitment to identifying and reaching the client's goals.
With Oana's support I've successfully modified my health habits and developed a much healthier relationship with food. I value her work highly and recommend her unconditionally.
Martha Wooten, medical management consultant
"In just a short period of time, Oana's coaching has had a powerful impact on me. Her intuition during our coaching sessions is always spot-on. The questions she poses to me require me to dig deep to get to the core of an issue or challenge, or to what matters the most to me. This leads to powerful insights that bring clarity to next steps towards my goals. Because of the insights and clarity, I walk away feeling more at peace with the situation. Oana also brings her personality, fun, and humor to our sessions. It's not uncommon for us to belly-laugh together, which I so appreciate!"
Melinda Haas, Leadership facilitator
Am cunoscut-o pe Oana Nastase prin recomandarea scolii de business Asebuss care mi-au ales-
o sa-mi fie couch pe perioada primului an de master.
Recunosc ca de la prima intalnire am fost captivat de felul in care vorbeste si glasul bland pe
care il are, fiind o fire foarte prietenoasa si inteleapta.
Discutiile cu Oana (pe care le asteptam cu nerabdare) m-au ajutat sa clarific situatia, atat
personala cat si cea profesionala, in care ma aflu si ce am de facut in continuare pentru a-mi
atinge obiectivele.
Am reusit sa inteleg, prin experienta ei profesionala, ca nu este indeajuns doar sa fii bun si
muncitor, dar foarte important este si brandul personal si relatiile intercolegiale.
Prin procedee invatate de la Oana am reusit sa rezolv una din problemele care ma deranjau
foarte mult si anume volumul mare de cursuri pe care trebuia sa le scriu si citesc de la o
saptamana la alta.
Pentru a-mi dezvolta cariera profesionala, Oana m-a invatat sa ma comport exact ca persoana
care vreau sa devin.
Pe aceasta cale vreau sa-i multumesc pentru tot sprijinul acordat, am simtit-o ca pe un aliat de
nadejde, pe mine m-a ajutat enorm!
Cu stima si deosebit respect,
Dr. Ing. Andrei Valeriu
Ecaterina Shilova, project manager & business consultant
Giulia Tufaru – Managing Director ImpACT Giving
Carmen Agapi, Global transformation leader
Alice Sofian, international project manager
"I started working with Oana in a period of insecurity and uncertainty not related to the health crisis. A personal crisis of identity and values. We would see each other on Zoom and the connection was instant. Her way of approaching and driving the dialogue to a concrete result was very successful for me. In a relatively short period of time (3 months...), I managed to go from lack of certainties to the certainty of my own worth - my inner result! The external result is that I got my "dream job", I like what I do, I make a (hopefully important) contribution both to the industry in which I work and to the people around me. Thank you Oana!"
Georgeta Grecu, hotel manager
David Raiffinger